Hi ,

We're excited to invite you to our June meetup, where Raashid Muhammed from FeOS Tech will be discussing embedded systems and the latest trends.

Event Details:
Date: June 8th, 2024
Time: 02:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Location: Mako IT Lab, Chennai

Raashid Muhammed is an expert in the field of embedded systems. This is a great chance to learn from him and ask your questions.

RSVP: https://fossunited.org/events/chennai/june/2024/rsvp
Forum: https://forum.fossunited.org/t/foss-meetups-chennai-2024/2716/7

For queries, send us a message on FOSS United Chennai Telegram Group

We hope you can join us for this informative session. See you there!

Thank You,
Team FOSS United Chennai